Clock Edit Form Name First Last Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date of the Edit*Please enter the date you are requesting to have edited. MM slash DD slash YYYY Scheduled Clock In TimePlease enter in the time you were scheduled to work. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Actual Clock in TimePlease enter in the time you actually worked. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Scheduled Clock Out TimePlease enter in the time you were scheduled to clock out. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Actual Clock Out TimePlease enter in the time your shift actually ended. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Lunch Break OutPlease enter in the time you took your lunch. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Lunch Break InPlease enter in the time you returned from lunch. : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Reason edit has to be made.*Please explain why your shift needs to be edited. Short Lunch No Lunch New Team Member: Schedule not loaded on Nowsta Error Message on Nowsta Other Reason Please Explain.*Overtime Reason Reason I stayed over my scheduled shift/overtime explanation: Explain why you worked overtime: